Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Shutter Island is Awesomely 'Dark & Demented'

Martin Scorsese has mastered the art of presenting some of the most cinematic psychos on celluloid screen. You gotta believe Marty has got those element in himself!

Shutter Island runs with mysterious pace from very first moment as you see a ship emerging out of dense fog, giving you a clear indication about what to expect for next two hours.

Two US marshals Teddy Daniels and Chuck Aule have come to the Shutter Island to investigate a case about the missing patient named Rachel Solondo. She is alleged of drowning her three children to death. Teddy is told that Rachel “just disappeared from her room suddenly, like she just evaporated through the walls” The only trace about Rachel they find under a loose floorboard; ‘The law of 4, who is 67?’ Teddy interrogates patients and staff members and he finds no body is authentic. “There are many mysteries on this island, do you think she just escaped by her self? Everybody here is involved!” says Teddy to his investigation partner. ”Why would somebody try to heal the most dangerous mental patients on this secluded island? Even when most of them are involve in brutal murders? Some thing is going on here that we need to know and tell the world about it!”

There is a pretty good cast on this Island; Leonardo again gives a heartfelt performance as Teddy Daniels, an ex marine with nightmares of world war experience and his wife’s death in a mishap. Ben Kingsley plays as Dr. Cawley, who is one of the leading staff members of psychiatrics on the island. All the characters are perfectly realized with typical Scorsese peculiarities.

As the movie proceeds towards to the climax, Martin plays with your mind in such a way that you will start to feel agony of being a mental patient. Teddy’s past makes him a perfect candidate to loose his mind on this crazy island with mysteries. “I am not Teddy, I am Laeddis!” “No I am Teddy, I am pretty sure about it!” What the hell is going on here!! Is it really going to happen?

What is wrong with Shutter Island? You won’t believe, but the only negative part of this movie is script itself! The storyline is fine but too intricate to its own good. Even Martin Scorsese won’t be able to answer about the big holes that he left while he was preparing the path to this Island. Everything jibes together perfectly fine until the climax, which is actually a surprise twist. Instead of blowing you away it just puts a puzzled expression on your face. You will feel that somebody tried to be smart with you.

Martin somehow got away with his talent of making great movies but this time he could not control the dimensionality of the story line. But let’s just welcome this master to the new genre! He has done perfectly fine job here, giving us one of the best films in 2010!

Watch it if you like true horror mysteries, which do not come with cheap sound effect scares!

Rating: B+

Rated R for disturbing violent content, language and some nudity.

Run Time: 138 Minutes

Deep Panjwani


1 comment:

  1. I just saw the trailer, I think it would be worth checking this movie out. Thanks!!!
