Thursday, January 7, 2010

Avatar vs. King Kong (Humanity vs. Humans)

The entire world awaited the mega-release of one of Cameron’s grandest films after a long period – Avatar. Yes, the wait was truly paid for. Cameron completely enchanted his fans and viewers with the look of planet Pandora, its weirdest creatures, the Na’vi tribe and the gigantic level of action – all of which have been appreciated by one and all, once and even again.

The hardcore movie buffs have already compared Avatar to Peter Jackson’s King Kong which is another big budget movie about life in another world. At some parts, both the movies have a similar story movement – first, as the viewers are introduced to the worlds of Skull Island (King Kong) and Pandora (Avatar) and then the action sequences that take place in these worlds.

Apart from the enormous and rich look, both the films have proved the same point – that the human thirst for power is highly insatiable. Bringing a gorilla to survive amidst human society, exploring an alien planet for a precious resource and going to the extent of destroying its race – man does it all merely because his view is limited to his own good. When, after complete exploitation, the planet that we are gifted with could provide no more for man’s progress, he moves ahead to continue his plunder in alien worlds disregarding any laws of nature or mutual species or race survival.

The end message of both the movies has however been starkly contrasting In Avatar, Jack Sully and Dr. Augustine prefer to choose the simple living rules of an alien world and follow them as their own as against those of their own kin that taught them to grab just materialistic pleasures. On the other hand, in King Kong, the creature is brought to an alien world where he fails to live as per their rules and finally meets his end at the hands of powerful humans despite several attempts by Ann Darrow to protect him. Here lies the difference. Difference that humanity survives and dies because of mankind himself. Some choose to protect it at their cost, others choose to protect themselves at its cost.

Of course, the blind race is still on – irrespective of the fact that the treasures of other worlds that please human eyes exist merely because their true owners chose not to exploit them like us in one go but continued to worship them as a lifelong blessing. The Creator gives all of us the option of choosing between wealth and wisdom. It is upon us to choose either a limited chunk of wealth or an ever-replenishing flow of wisdom. Colonel Quaritch (Avatar), Carl Denham (King Kong) and their respective teams acted like “humans” choosing to destroy the world of natives for their gain of millions. Jack Sully, Dr. Augustine and Ann Darrow however truly saw the wrong path chosen by their fellow humans and initiated to undo the wrong in one way or the other by choosing “humanity” or compassion for life rather than for material millions. Their realisation to save humanity till the end is indeed a message to all of us – to value the virtues that were born in and out of humans but are now left behind in just a few followers of humanity.

Meet Thakar

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