Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why World Needs Movies?

Movies are one of the most beautiful ways man has ever made to share his imaginations with the rest of the world. For almost all of us, movies are a reflection of our dreams, nightmares, hopes and fears.

A man’s thought takes him as far as he can take it. So, for some of us, our thoughts and imaginations just take the feeble shape of exciting ideas but for others they shape up as world-famous Oscars or Golden Globes. And that’s where cinema shows and its proves its beauty.

All of us have a story to tell, dreams to share and visualize – a world far away from ours where anything is possible and everything can be true. And so we all love movies because they are made up of all our hidden hopes, fun, disappointments, fears, angers and resulting crimes and many more emotions that we are made up of. While watching a movie, you’re in front of a screen but there’s another you on the screen, going very much through what you always thought or dreamt might happen to you – be it seeing the end of the world, or brutally ending your hardest enemies or embarking on a journey who’s actual adventures you’ll never know till you’re a part of them.

And that’s not all. As the story on screen moves ahead, which by now is already yours, you gradually would have found answers to a dozen questions inside you that you’ve never thought of asking anyone but have been searching answers for all the same. They come like a beautiful revelation, one who’s results can help you achieve the best in life, often that which you have never fathomed.

But that’s just a class of viewers. The major one and a rather more compelling group is yet to be talked about.

Hollywood – The name that defines the movies people watch itself gives an array of reasons or genres as we all call them and that brings its viewers from across the world to cinemas for their regular dose of entertainment.

A genre is a class of art having characteristic form. When it comes to Hollywood, it gives a dazzling list of genres to choose from, no matter whether the viewer is a worshipper of crime, a romantic soul or an highly imaginative lover of the real world. Right from wars and crime to dramas and romance to sci-fi thrillers and even fantasy and animation, Hollywood finely serves all its viewers with the most choicest gourmet each year and makes them look forward to more fantastic stuff in form of sequels, novel-based movies and major comebacks, the most recent being by James Cameron, Peter Jackson and Quentin Tarantino alongwith highly awaited Christopher Nolan’s Inception.

For the hardcore movie lovers, the mere first ever 30 second teaser of their favorite director’s newest flick is enough to bring them to cinemas while the rest follow as the hype builds up over a period of time.

Next follow those who love a very recently developed and endearing genre of movies – animation. A highly colorful and comic world which was earlier assumed exclusively for children now has a very strong fan following thanks to highly imaginative directors and technicians from Pixar and Dreamworks who gave us unforgettable and immensely real characters like Nemo, Wall-E, Lightning Mcqueen and the noodle-slurping Panda.

Often, bookworms have looked forward to seeing the imagination of their authors on big screen and measure how well did they picturise it inside their own minds. Yes, those are the novels and graphic novels based movies we are talking about. The earlier classics include movies like Gone With The Wind, To Kill A Mockingbird, etc. that were pure drama. However, the chain continued, rather improved in the last decade with movies like Jurassic Park, Harry Potter Series, The Da Vinci Code, The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, etc., all of which were based on bestseller books and concentrated not only on drama but even the special effects and sets as were required by the original book’s storyline. These films have been equally successful in creating a strong fan following like any other genre mainly because they brought the reader’s bare ideas and imaginations to stark realities and pushed the reader (now a viewer) to have a better image of what he so far comprehended merely in his mind. And thus, we have enjoyed the experience of facing T-Rex, The Dark Lord and King Xerxes.

Also, there are the age-old but equally entertaining genres of sci-fi thrillers, romantic comedies, horrors, war and crime. Stunned viewers have admired, sobbed, talked about and returned back to see those awesome effects and gargantuan size of cinema in these genres which are still one of the best that Hollywood can and continues to provide.

To sum it all up, movies are more than form of entertainment. They’re a realisation of our wildest thoughts and wackiest imaginations and therefore a part of our self.

or to put in Joker’s words, “You complete me..!”

Meet Thakar

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post buddy!! this is what we expect from your writing skills!
